
In this tutorial, we're going to be utilizing Acala's on-chain scheduler to create an automatic subscription service that awards users for the time they are subscribed. A user can subscribe to this service and every time a certain period passed, the contract will reward them with some tokens.

Setup & Install Dependencies

We will create a project from scratch, build and test it using Waffle. If you'd rather build your smart contracts using Remix, please check out this page.

To start, let's install nodejs and yarn if you haven't already:

sudo apt install -y nodejs

npm install --global yarn

Next, run the following commands in the folder where you want your project to live:

mkdir subscription-contract
cd subscription-contract

yarn init -y
yarn add --dev ethereum-waffle@3.2.1

And add the following script to your package.json:

"build": "waffle"

This will create a folder for our project, initialize a new yarn project, and add waffle as a dev dependency. We'll be using waffle to compile our smart contracts.

Within your project folder, create a file called waffle.json and paste the following inside the file:

  "compilerType": "solcjs",
  "compilerVersion": "0.6.2",
  "sourceDirectory": "./contracts",
  "outputDirectory": "./build"

This file is the configurations for waffle to use when building our smart contracts.

Let's create our contracts folder.

mkdir contracts

Use Scheduler.sol

Inside the contracts folder create Scheduler.sol paste the following code:

pragma solidity ^0.6.0;

abstract contract Scheduler {
    // Schedule a contract call.
    function scheduleCall(
        address contract_address, // The contract address to be called in future.
        uint256 value, // How much native token to send alone with the call.
        uint256 gas_limit, // The gas limit for the call. Corresponding fee will be reserved upfront and refunded after call.
        uint256 storage_limit, // The storage limit for the call. Corresponding fee will be reserved upfront and refunded after call.
        uint256 min_delay, // Minimum number of blocks before the scheduled call will be called.
        bytes memory input_data // The input data to the call.
    returns (uint256, uint256); // Returns a task id that can be used to cancel or reschedule call.

This file describes the scheduler smart contract and what arguments you must supply to it to use it. But how does the scheduler work?

The Acala EVM provides Solidity, Substrate, and Web3 developers a complete full-stack (Acala+EVM+Substrate+WASM) experience seamlessly with a single wallet. Many Substrate and WASM customization are made available inside EVM via pre-compiled contracts, such as on-chain scheduler, bring your own gas, Quality of Service oracle feeds, and more. It allows us to add new features that would be impossible on Ethereum while still letting developers use existing code and tooling to create DApps that leverage these features. These pre-compiled smart contracts have static, known addresses on the Acala EVM making it incredibly easy to use.

Create the Subscription Contract

Let's create our smart contract file by creating a Subscription.sol file within the contracts folder. In it add the following code:

pragma solidity ^0.6.0;

import "./Scheduler.sol";

contract SubscriptionToken {
    Scheduler scheduler;
    constructor(address scheduler_address) public payable {
        scheduler = Scheduler(scheduler_address);


Next, let's set some state variables and modify a constructor. Within the contract add the following:

contract SubscriptionToken {
    uint period;
    address[] subscribers;
    mapping(address => uint) public balanceOf;
    Scheduler scheduler;

    constructor(uint _period, address scheduler_address) public payable {
        period = _period;
        scheduler = Scheduler(scheduler_address);
        scheduler.scheduleCall(address(this), 0, 50000, 100, period, abi.encodeWithSignature("paySubscribers()"));

Here we added 6 state variables. Let's go through them one by one:

  1. balanceOf: defines/shows the number of native tokens in a user's balance.

  2. period: a period of how many blocks the Scheduler should be called

The constructor is self-explanatory, all it does is set the first state variables for the contract.

Subscribe and Transfer functions

Next let's add the subscribe function:

contract SubscriptionToken {

  function subscribe() public {
  function transfer(address _to, uint amount) public {
        require(balanceOf[msg.sender] > amount -1, "Insuffcient funds");
        balanceOf[msg.sender] -= amount;
        balanceOf[_to] += amount;


Here the subscribe function simply adds a user to a list to which tokens will be distributed.

Finally, let's have a look at the arguments of scheduleCall:

scheduler.scheduleCall(address(this), 0, 50000, 100, period, abi.encodeWithSignature("paySubscribers()"));

Let's break this line down:

  • address(this) is the address of the smart contract to call, in this case, we are calling the same smart contract that is calling the schedule contract

  • value - How much native token to send alone with the call.

  • gas_limit - The gas limit for the call. The corresponding fee will be reserved upfront and refunded after the call.

  • storage_limit - The storage limit for the call. The corresponding fee will be reserved upfront and refunded after the call.

  • min_delay is the number of blocks from now it should try and execute this call (though it could be more!)

  • abi.encodeWithSignature("paySubscribers()") is the function to call within the smart contract (we'll define it next).

For more information on the rest of the arguments being passed to the scheduler contract scroll up to where we created Scheduler.sol.

Pay subscribers

Now let's create the paySubscribers function that the scheduler is calling:

contract SubscriptionToken {

  function paySubscribers() public {
        require(msg.sender == address(this));
        if (subscribers.length > 0) {
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < subscribers.length; i++) {
                address subscriber = subscribers[i];
                balanceOf[subscriber] += 1;

        scheduler.scheduleCall(address(this), 0, 50000, 100, period, abi.encodeWithSignature("paySubscribers()"));

Notice the first line of the function:

require(msg.sender == address(this), "No Permission");

What this is saying is that only the contract itself can call this function. When we schedule a call using the Scheduler contract, it is not actually the scheduler calling the function but the function itself. The scheduler is just dispatching the call at a later time.

And that's it! We now have a functioning smart contract with automated subscriptions!


To build the smart contract run the following in the project's root directory:

yarn build


To deploy the smart contract follow the directions here.

You can set a period to 1 (which is ≈6 secs), and find the scheduler address in the list of predeployed contracts.

Executing the contract

the only way is to get this new token is to subscribe to the smart contract. Execute subscribe function and check how balance changes over time for the subscriber (balanceOf function).

Last updated

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