Protocol Info


  • Token decimals:

    • Karura (KAR): 12

    • LKSM: 12

    • Karura Dollar (kUSD): 12

  • Base unit: “Plank"

  • Balance type:

  • Total Fixed Supply of KAR: 100,000,000


Address Format

Karura uses the SS58 (Substrate) address format. Relevant SS58 prefixes are:

Existential Deposit

Karura uses an existential deposit (ED) to prevent dust accounts from bloating state. If an account drops below the ED, it will be removed from this account and be donated to the Treasury.

ED of native token KAR is configured in the runtime. Non-native tokens (KSM, kUSD, BTC etc) can be queried via SDK. The amount of ED can only be decreased, not increased, therefore it often starts with a higher number.

transfer and deposit in pallet_balances and orml_tokens will check the ED of the receiver account. A transaction may fail due to not meeting ED requirements, a typical one would be a user is swapping token A for token B, where token A balance no longer meets ED requirements. A front-end DApp shall perform checks and prompt user for such incidents.

Read more on ED here.

Protocol Fees

  • Mint kUSD with KSM & lKSM:

    • Liquidation penalty: 12%

    • Stability Fee: 3%

Transaction Fees

Karura uses weight-based fees, unlike gas, are predictable and charged pre-dispatch. See the transaction fee page for more info.


Type definitions allow the SDK to know how to serialize / deserialize blocks, transactions and events.

Acala's type definition bundle can be found here.


You can use these MultiLocation to add Karura token assets to other parachains foreign token list.

Asset Name: Acala Dollar Asset Symbol: AUSD Decimals: 12 existentialDeposit: 0.01

{"parents": 1, "interior": {"X2": [{"Parachain": 2000}, { "GeneralKey": 0x0081} ]}}

Asset Name: Liquid KSM Asset Symbol: LKSM Decimals: 12 existentialDeposit: 0.0005

{"parents": 1, "interior": {"X2": [{"Parachain": 2000}, {"GeneralKey": 0x0083} ]}}

Asset Name: Karura Native Token Asset Symbol: KAR Decimals: 12 existentialDeposit: 0.1

{"parents": 1, "interior": {"X2": [{"Parachain": 2000}, { "GeneralKey": 0x0080} ]}}

Autogenerated MultiLocations




Please also refer to the documentation of polkadot.js.


Polkadot apps


Last updated

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