Acala EVM+

Acala EVM+ - Code Name: Project Bodhi

Acala and all Substrate-based chains are fundamentally different from Ethereum. If we are trying to emulate an Ethereum node, we will suffer from the worst of both worlds. It will be a step backward for us to inherit all the restrictions from a legacy blockchain platform.

We see EVM as one part of the Acala/Substrate/Polkadot, together the Acala network will provide a categorically different experience. Acala EVM will try to achieve these design goals

  1. Enable users to have a complete full-stack Acala (and Substrate) experience seamlessly with a single wallet.

  2. Enable protocol composability for EVM and runtime

  3. Enable developers to develop and deploy DApps on Acala with great tooling support

The Acala EVM delivers the following benefits and features from the best of both Ethereum and Substrate platforms:

Composable DeFi StackFlexible FeesOn-chain SchedulerSetup EVM AccountQueryable & LightweightUpgradable ContractsCompatible ToolingsNo Dust Account

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